Thursday, February 12, 2009

A short horse is soon curried (1350)

As I haven't posted much recently I though better a short post than none at all. So here we go:
  • At last my Anna socks are finished, I love them in the Kramer Sterling so pretty when they catch the light, the photo can't do them justice.
  • I knit some of my New Lanark handspun into a Doorstop, stuffed with uncarded fibre and loads of rice. It looks good and works well, not bad for a design made up as I went along. Think I may do some more as all our doors are sprung (fire prevention idea but a danger to little fingers!)
  • I had conceived a great idea to knit Paul some lovely red socks (Rowan 4ply oft in Honk) for Valentine's day. Well it seemed like a great idea at the time but after frogging 4 designs, I settled on knitting a self made design. Sadly that come out big enough for an elephant, and I was left only enough time to knit one as the love of my life was working from home for 2 weeks so no covert knitting was possible. He did however appreciate the sentiment and all the witticisms of my SnB group, mainly relating to his having only one leg, or only having one sockful of love etc. I frogged the sock again and am re-knitting an entirely different pattern!
  • As I couldn't knit the aforementioned socks at home I had to cast on something else to avoid suspicion from himself. So I began the Spring Leaves top in Simply Kitting 51, in Jaeger Mohair Art. It's coming on fine, so far I'm liking it, the mohair doesn't seem scratchy at all. It's knit in the round so, whilst it seems that little progress is being made, it is growing the front and back at the same time. I like knitting in the seams!
  • My lovely friend Gale has her computer set up at last in South Africa and has signed up on Facebook. If anyone else is on she is here oh and I'm here!
  • I have also signed up on Twitter which is quite absorbing once you understand what on earth it's all about. I signed up really to follow Stephen Fry but have found other lovely people (fellow knitters) too. Here I am on Twitter.
  • Did I show you my washcloths? Trying to use up some cotton that was lying around, if I already have, sorry but here they are again!
  • I sorted through my entire stash! Some I passed on to mum (I'm an indian giver I hope she'll knit for MJ with it!). Some went to the charity shop, Ardgowan Hospice, who are happy to take ball ends and odd balls for charity knitting. Two lots are to go on ebay and the rest is for projects. It was oddly exciting to do as I found all sorts of yarn I had forgottem about and had lots of fun trying to work out what on earth I had bought it for.
  • I had some lovely comments from MJ's ballet teacher today. I had knit her a Garter stitch Loop Through scarf for Christmas. She said she wore it constantly through the recent snowy weather and she and her friends had nicknamed it "Maisy's mummy's marvellous muffler", how nice does that sound?
Well for a short post that wasn't bad was it?

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