Off the political soap box now (I'm sure I said only this morning that my blog was no place for politics or religion!)
What a week. My fridge freezer, after 12 years of long service and good conduct, quite unexpectedly packed up and went to the fridge freezer graveyard. I hadn't noticed over the past 12 years how expensive they had become, mind you Paul and the children have rather set their hearts on an American style one. I'm sure it will be the most expensive ice maker ever! This rather enormous ice maker will require a remodelling of the kitchen units and therefore the flooring too. I'm sure all this money could be much better spent on some rather nice cashmere or alpaca!
On Saturday morning I got up early to attend a Spinning meeting of the West of Scotland Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers. This necessitated a trip to Milngavie, (the start of the West Highland Way) which is home to the Guild. After first going to the wrong venue and walking for miles to find the Library we discovered that we had been misinformed and that there was no meeting after all. What a disappointment and a rather wasted morning.
I nearly had a new laptop last weekend too, after spotting a rather good deal on an Acer Aspire both myself and my mum bought one. We spent hours installing software and getting everything set up just right only to have both machines black screen on us repeatedly. They were returned and replaced by new ones which we spent another few hours setting up only to have them fail too! Now I'm no statistician but 4 identical laptops failing over two days, even I can see a pattern there! So no laptop for now, no blogging from the bedroom or skyping from the sitting room, I shall content myself to sitting here in my office looking out over the autumnal trees to the Clyde.
In between times very little knitting or spinning has been done. The Garter Stitch scarf is only a little over half finished though the cotton Cardigan for Ruby just needs the sleeves sown in. (Post edited to show completed cardigan).
I have however knit my first Teddy for Tragedies which took only one evening. I shall be sending it along with others knit by my knitting friends in "flat-pack" form to my sister in law, who though not a knitter is happy to stuff and sew them up.
And finally on the theme of Union, Amy on Knittyblog posted a link to Cat Bordhi's Moebius scarf tutorial and her thoughts on how the Moebius embodies the unity we need to show during difficult times. Interesting, and if nothing else a rather good tutorial!
There are still some VK left! Love Maisy's picture - am off to see this tutorial now!